How Many Brains Do You Need?

Starting last Fall and continuing on through this whole year, I’ve been exploring and playing with Personal Knowledge Management. I wrote another blog post on the topic, but today I want to talk about another new-to-me concept: Second Brain. I’m discovering that this...

Do you really need a series bible?

If you write a series—and most authors do now—you need a series bible. And sadly, the best time to start creating one is while you’re writing the first book. Naturally, I only realized this while I was writing my third series. I immediately began keeping...

What the heck is PKM? -or- Organization for Authors

Ever since I re-joined Medium (after a hiatus of about a year), I have been inundated with articles on productivity apps and apps for “PKM”. For the longest time, I had no idea what this PKM thing was, but these articles were about Trello, Notion, Obsidian,...