How Many Brains Do You Need?

Starting last Fall and continuing on through this whole year, I’ve been exploring and playing with Personal Knowledge Management. I wrote another blog post on the topic, but today I want to talk about another new-to-me concept: Second Brain. I’m discovering that this...

What the heck is PKM? -or- Organization for Authors

Ever since I re-joined Medium (after a hiatus of about a year), I have been inundated with articles on productivity apps and apps for “PKM”. For the longest time, I had no idea what this PKM thing was, but these articles were about Trello, Notion, Obsidian,...

Story Structure Revisited

There are so many different types of story structure. and they have anywhere from three parts to six, twenty-four, or more. I happen to be fascinated by story structure. It’s a fundamental piece of writing fiction—and can be used for nonfiction as well. Story...

Goals, Hopes, and Dreams 2019

Every year at this time I pull out my list of Goals, Hopes, and Dreams from the previous year. I’ve been doing this now for the past three years and it’s always really interesting to see where I was at this time a year ago, what I was thinking and hoping for in the...