It’s that time of year again! Yup, time to look through all those lists of things you either can’t afford or can’t image why anyone would think a writer would want that (an antique manual typewriter? Really?? I mean… it’s pretty, but unless you’ve got a lot of spare countertop space looking for something useless to fill it…).

However, I am here to tell you the absolute best thing you can give any writer for whatever holiday you celebrate and it won’t break your bank account. In fact, it won’t even cost you a dime.



Maybe even, being alone.

You can give these three incredible items to any writer and I can guarantee you will have one extremely happy author! They can be delivered by hand or sent via email, whichever is easier. You can create lovely little coupons for the author to turn in whenever they feel the need, if you want (and making them is a fantastic art project for some enterprising young child).

This is what I want for the holidays (oh, and that spiffy Bluetooth mechanical keyboard, but I can buy that one for myself, thanks).

If you really want to spend money on your beloved author, you could get them a copy of my author’s journal ($9.99) or Chapter One ($4.99), my beginners’ book on writing craft or you could also contact me and I’d be happy to sell you a gift certificate for a one-hour coaching session ($75) or a developmental edit (.02 cents/word) or regular editing ($2.50/page).

But truly, just give your favorite writer some time to write and they’ll be very happy.