As you know…a look into dialogue

As you know…a look into dialogue

Merry gazed into her computer screen at the twelve avid readers of her blog and countless others who popped in every now and then to see what she was writing this week. “You know I love you all,” she said with a wistful smile. “I’ve been writing this blog now for ten...
An Author’s Learning Is Never Done

An Author’s Learning Is Never Done

There’s a concept that once you’ve done something for 10,000 hours you are proficient at it. After being a professional author for over fifteen years, I’m pretty sure I’ve reached that many hours but am I proficient? Do I know how to write? Well, yes, and no. I still...
When do you need to show?

When do you need to show?

The more I read the more convinced I am that what makes a great book is all in the show and tell. Knowing when to show, when to tell can really be an art form all in itself. But how do you know? First, let’s define the terms: Showing is having an entire scene,...