Questions for a New Year

Questions for a New Year

I can’t believe it, it’s a new year and I’m already falling down on the job! I just discovered that I never posted the post I wrote for last week! Well, it just means that this week you get two posts! So sorry about that! Also, pop down to the bottom...
Five Lessons from Fifteen Years of Publishing

Five Lessons from Fifteen Years of Publishing

Time has a strange way of sneaking up on you. So often you’ll see someone exclaiming on social media, “What? It’s July already? What happened to June, or May, or April for that matter?” For me a similar thing happened except even more extreme. I suddenly realized that...

A Wrap-up of Publishing Options Today

The publishing industry is an ever-changing one. It really keeps an author on their toes. I know that I’ve written about different publishing options on this blog before, but I thought–just for ease–I’d summarize everything here in one place....

Going Wide: Ebook Distributors

It’s great to “go wide” with your book sales. I’m a strong proponent of not limiting yourself to just one e-retailer. But when you do “go wide,” where do you go? Where do you put your books up for sale? I have my books up for sale everywhere I can. I publish directly...