Schedule Your Writing

As I get further in Accountability (yes, with a capital A), I’m thinking of all the things an author has to do to get themselves to sit down and finish the damned book. That is the goal, after all. That is the entire point. There are so many things that are stopping...

A Writer’s Journal

I’ve been learning a good deal recently about writing journal and writing planners. There’s a difference! A planner is a book where you have pre-designed organizing tools, like in my favorite Ultimate Author Planner by Audrey Hughey. In her planner, Audrey has...

Plotting with the Snowflake Method

I’ve talked a lot about plotting on this blog. I believe that it’s essential to have some sort of road map to follow when you’re writing. I completely understand that there are people who write by the seat of their pants who have no desire to even know how the book...

Classifying Yourself

Last week I told you all about this cool way players of Dungeons & Dragons classify their characters based on how well they follow laws or rules (lawful/neutral/chaotic) and what sort of person they are (good/neutral/evil). Click here to read that post if you...

Tropes and Trends

How closely should we follow trends? And where do you start when you’re plotting a new book? With my Ladies’ Wagering Whist Society Series, I started the entire series by working with character tropes. I picked popular Regency romance tropes and made them the ladies...