Learning from Failure

We all fail. We all try new things and have them just not work out the way you expected. But that doesn’t mean that you throw away what you did and never look at it again. You need to stop, take a good hard look at what you did and why it didn’t work and see what you...

Getting Through the Mid-Book Slump

The mid-book slump. We all experience it. In the past week, I’ve seen three people on Facebook asking others for advice on this phenomenon. They’ve written to the middle or nearly to the middle of their book and they’re bored or they’ve run out of ideas or they’re...


I find myself in an odd position this week. I’m writing the next book in my Royal Hearts series and it’s way too short. Now, for me that’s not unusual, I do tend to write short. I’m very concise. I don’t add a lot of extraneous detail and usually have to go back in...

Some Thoughts for Pantsers

You’re a pantser. I get that. Life would be boring if you knew the ending of your story before you wrote it. Your characters need some space to grow and develop on the page as they’re doing in your mind. The story is unfolding under your very fingertips, you write as...