Write What Feels Right

Write What Feels Right

Imagine, if you will, that you get a great idea for a character. You put them into a situation in which you know they will thrive. You even give them an emotional conflict and perhaps even an external one. This all sounds like the perfect start to writing a great...
How to plot a romance novel

How to plot a romance novel

I was recently asked for references on how to plot a romance. As someone who’s been writing in the genre for years and reading as many books on the craft of writing as I can, I had very few recommendations for romance-specific craft books. It’s not that...
The Conflict Box

The Conflict Box

Continuing on with the theme of conflict (because I’ve been having so much trouble resolving the conflict in the book I’m writing and because the book I’m editing doesn’t have nearly enough), I was recently reminded of the conflict box....
What’s a Plotter to do?

What’s a Plotter to do?

I am a die-hard believer in plotting. For the way my mind works there is no other way to write. But what to do when plotting doesn’t work? I’ve tried writing by the seat of my pants and always end up plotting a few scenes in advance, the major turning points of the...
How do you prepare to write?

How do you prepare to write?

Writers are usually split up into two groups: Plotters and Pantsers. Plotters plot their work before they begin to write—and sometimes in such excruciating detail they’ve basically already written the book but in outline form (I once knew an author who wrote a 40 page...