A New Worksheet for before, during, and after you write

If you’ve read this blog for any length of time you’ll probably know that I am the queen of worksheets. I love them. I use them. I even sell them! Well, as I was searching through my files this morning, I happened upon a worksheet I’d completely forgotten about and...


Keywords. It’s the phrase that every author not only needs to be familiar but intimate with. And yes, so few authors actually know what they are, where to get them, or even what they’re good for. Some people get keywords and categories mixed up. (You are either...

Looking Deeper at A+ Content

Everyone is talking about Amazon’s newest gift to indie-authors: A+ Content. It used to be that only traditional publishers and other vendors were given access to this special ability to add images and information to their sales pages, but now Amazon has given the...

Who are you: Your Author Brand

I am not a marketing specialist. I’m hardly competent at marketing but, nevertheless, I’ve been doing it for a very long time (yes, just because you’ve been doing something for a long time does not actually mean you know what you’re doing – sad to say!). One thing...