Atticus Review, uh-oh!

I love new software. I love playing with it, testing it, and finding its limits. So when I heard about Atticus, which I did many months ago when it was still in beta, I thought I’d wait until they came out with the official version to really put it to the test. Well,...

Jutoh 3.0: A Review

I love the formatting software Jutoh. I have not made a secret of this. I have been using it for many years as a professional formatter. I teach a class on how to use it. I’ve even got a free video up on YouTube on how to get started formatting with Jutoh. And just...

The Ugly Facts of Author Earnings

As I sit here contemplating the pros and cons of buying a new computer (which I really can’t afford just now), I’m sharply reminded of the fact that the majority of authors don’t earn most of their money through book sales. It’s a sad fact that is true in...