With the start of October, we move into something I hadn’t realized existed—Planner Season!
Apparently, October is the time when people start thinking about what planner they’re going to use the following year. They look at all of the offerings out there and decide how they’re going to organize their life for the following year.
Who knew!?
Well, because I’ve got a new Writer’s Journal out, I’m going to be joining two other planner/journal authors in a Planner Fest (yeah, kind of like October Fest, but with less beer).
This is the “Collaboration” part. Working with other writers who do something very similar, but not exactly what you do. It’s perfect! We can get very enthusiastic about what each one of us is doing and support one another and—more importantly—promote one another. It’s nearly impossible to do any promotion today without the help of other authors, so take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way — like this!
Three of us are getting together on the Facebook group Sprints and Spirits to hold our Planner Fest (free to join). It will span the month of October and include workshops and giveaways that will provide useful information to those who participate and, of course, we’ll be promoting our planner/journals.
I’m going to be talking about accountability (naturally). It’s my new passion and works hand-in-hand with the Writer’s Journal I put together.
Mickey Reed (aka Michelle Kampmeier) will be giving a workshop and promoting her journal, Daily Q & A: A Journal for Positivity, Kindness, and Productivity which helps people to take a more positive outlook in their life. I know very little about her work or philosophy so I’m really looking forward to learning more about it!
And Audrey Hughey (who you’ve heard me talk about before) is going to be talking about and promoting her 2020 Authorship Planner which has absolutely everything an author needs in order to run their business and is a calendar as well.
I’m really excited for this. I’m creating all sorts of fun videos and two workshops to help authors get their writing done.
I do hope that you’ll consider joining us! Just join the Sprints & Spirits group (it’s easy to apply and you’ll be accepted into the group with no hassle) and then show up every day to see what we’re posting and what’s going on. There are going to be giveaways and so much useful information!
You really don’t want to miss this!!