Reviving an old book

If you’ve been publishing for a while, it’s possible that you’ve got some old, backlist books that could use an update. But how do you go about doing it and what should you consider when you face this task? I’ve recently been re-reading one of the first books I...

Why not omniscient voice?

I’ve been working with an author who has written a “self-help novel”. Basically, he wants readers to come away having learned a lesson after reading his fictional book. Fiction with a moral? Whatever you want to call it, he’s a new author (this is his first book) and...

You Deserve a Break

We have all be hearing for years about the importance of taking breaks throughout the workday. There are dozens of apps to “help” you do so from timers to focus sessions to just plain-old turning off all notifications. We are told to take a break every 20...


It has been said (I thought by Nora Roberts, but I recently saw it attributed to another author) that you can’t edit a blank page. In other words, sit down and start writing the damned story! If you’re a plotter like me, you might be tempted to not only...

How many hats do you wear?

We all wear many hats: parent, spouse, co-worker, employee, neighbor, etc. But as a self-publisher, we wear quite a few simply in pursuit of that one goal. We are a writer creating engaging fiction; we are a publisher putting together our finished work and ensuring...