Learning Craft

How many books on writing do you have on your shelf—virtual or otherwise? I just did a quick run-through of the books on my physical shelf and those in my Kindle and, not counting books on marketing, I’ve got nearly thirty. Have I read them all? Not cover-to-cover,...

Writing Deep

  It’s been a while since I’ve written a post on an aspect of writing craft, but as I’m beginning to do more editing for my new job as a book coach, I’m coming across writing that could have done with a little more craft. The piece I’m working on right now is a...

The Deeper Why

  As you all know, I’ve been taking a book coaching course with a company called Author Accelerator. It’s been fantastic! This dog has learned some new tricks! lol! I love learning new ways of looking at writing, at craft, at editing. One thing that...

Why I write… why do you?

I think an apology, or at least an explanation is in order here. Two weeks ago, I wrote a blog giving you advice on how to write through to the end—tldr: Using story structure and character development (goal, motivation, and conflict) you can be sure to not lose that...

Using Your Setting Well

I’m awful at writing description. It’s one aspect of my writing craft that I’ve been actively working on for the past few years because I know how important description and setting is in a story. I read other people’s books and marvel at how they not only describe a...