Writing for the joy of it

Have you ever looked at something either in your own life or that of someone else and said, “that would make a great story”? Do you play (or have you ever played) Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, or any other role-playing game? If the answer to either of these...

Say What? Part 2

This is a continuation of the article I wrote last week. You can read it here. In this post I’ll talk about: to show conflict, (show vs. tell) to impart information to the reader succinctly, to make the reader a part of the action. Determine the pacing of the...

Should you write before you write?

Writing before you write? Why? The obvious answer is to get your thoughts together, but there are other reasons as well. Here are five you might want to consider: Whether you’re a pantser or plotter, we all need to rally our thoughts. We’re human; our...

A glance at my writer’s bookshelf

We all need some help now and then. And we all need guidance on how to do this crazy thing we call “writing a novel”. I’ve found incredible inspiration and learned so many lessons from the books on my writer’s bookshelf. Here are some...

What you need to get started writing your novel

A few weeks ago I talked about my analog toolbox. One of the most important worksheets I use is my “When Starting a Book” Worksheet (it could probably use a better name, but at least that one is descriptive). This worksheet contains the bare minimum you should know...