What do you do when you’re stuck?

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a pantser or a plotter, everyone gets stuck in their writing now and then. I’m sure you’ve read so many articles on writer’s block filled with so many suggestions (hell, I’ve written one myself). Go for a walk. Plot your story. Look at...

Getting back to work after a break

All right, last week I wrote about dictation software that really didn’t work for me because I’m a kinesthetic person (I need the actual act of writing or typing to think and be creative). What I didn’t mention and didn’t talk about was how I was actually doing...

Getting Through the Mid-Book Slump

The mid-book slump. We all experience it. In the past week, I’ve seen three people on Facebook asking others for advice on this phenomenon. They’ve written to the middle or nearly to the middle of their book and they’re bored or they’ve run out of ideas or they’re...

An Accountability Story

As I sat down to think about the presentation I’m going to be giving tomorrow (I’m writing this on Thursday, May 28th—I always write my blog a couple of days early so if you ever have a question you want me to write about, message me early on in the week) on...

Is Imposter Syndrome stopping you from writing?

Are you an imposter? Or do you worry that you might be one? If so, you’re not alone. There’s been a lot of talk recently about imposter syndrome because it affects so many incredibly talented and intelligent people, and yes, you might be one of them. Last week we...