What you need to get started writing your novel

A few weeks ago I talked about my analog toolbox. One of the most important worksheets I use is my “When Starting a Book” Worksheet (it could probably use a better name, but at least that one is descriptive). This worksheet contains the bare minimum you should know...

Writing a Mystery

I’m so excited! I’ve got a new coaching client and she wants me to help her develop a mystery series concept and plot out the first book in the series. Woohoo!!! My absolute all-time favorite thing to do is develop a book. I love delving into character creation, story...

Getting Ready for NaNoWriMo

Happy Halloween! That’s crazy, isn’t it? It’s only the first week of October and already everything is suddenly Halloween crazy. Pumpkin spice everything is all around, you can’t escape it. But in the writing world, we are all looking to November and NaNoWriMo...

A Writer’s Journal

I’ve been learning a good deal recently about writing journal and writing planners. There’s a difference! A planner is a book where you have pre-designed organizing tools, like in my favorite Ultimate Author Planner by Audrey Hughey. In her planner, Audrey has...