Linear Writing — or not?

Linear Writing — or not?

Are you a linear writer? Do you start at the beginning of your story and write straight through to the end? Or are you the sort of person who writes whatever scenes you can envision no matter where in the story the scene takes place? I’ve always been a rather top-down...
Writing Every Day

Writing Every Day

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about the speed at which I write. Since signing a contract with a small publisher for three books and a Christmas novella, I’ve been stressing about my writing a lot more than I’ve had to do since I went indie. As an indie author, I...
Writing Love in the time of Corona

Writing Love in the time of Corona

So often when I sit down to write my blog post, I struggle to find a topic to write about. This week I actually had three. Never have I had so many ideas for posts! Well, I have to be honest with you here: one idea was entirely mine, one idea I got from another blog...
Putting the Pieces Together Right

Putting the Pieces Together Right

Do you like puzzles? I love puzzles. I love to figure out logical puzzles like sudoku, spatial puzzles like Tetris, card game puzzles like Spider. I spend a good amount of time working on puzzles. Why am I telling you this in a blog about writing? Because writing a...