Thinking of Why and What we write

The wonderful author Kathleen Gilles Seidel just said something to me and my podcast co-host, Pru Warren, that really grabbed me. We were talking about writing and publishing when she first started out thirty years ago. For those of you who don’t know, Kathy wrote...

Repeated Motifs

Today I’m going to share with you a concept that you’ll probably all remember studying in your high school or college literature classes: repeated motifs. It sounds very high-brow and perhaps even high-fallutin’ but, in fact, it’s a really neat way of getting across a...

Theme on Your Mind

The human brain is an incredible thing. Not only does it make sure our bodies continue to function without a thought, it does a lot of other things that don’t require any deliberate thoughts on our part. The one I’m thinking of today is writing a deeper meaning into...