Story Structure Revisited

There are so many different types of story structure. and they have anywhere from three parts to six, twenty-four, or more. I happen to be fascinated by story structure. It’s a fundamental piece of writing fiction—and can be used for nonfiction as well. Story...

Getting the Timing Right

Timelines will kill you… as a writer… in your novel. Let me clarify this. When you are writing a book (and, I’m sorry to say, this happens a lot more with pantsers than plotters) and focused on what needs to happen next to a) advance the plot; b) develop the...

Writing Outside In

I’m in the plotting phase of my next book. Being a plotter I develop my characters and plan out a good number of my scenes before I even put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard. Being a conscientious, professional writer and well as someone who teaches writing craft,...


It’s my daughter’s birthday today (Friday, as I write this)—she’s turned 27—and she’s given me an hour to get this blog written before I take her out. We’re going to engage in two of her favorite pastimes—sitting at a café with a cup of coffee and a pastry (something...