Writing romance

As a writer of romance, I realized I haven’t written about the fundamentals of writing romance here in a very, very long time! Whether you write romance or another genre, it’s very likely that you’re going to have at least some romance in your story. The thing is, we...

What your characters need most

As you know, if you’ve been following this blog, I’ve been going through some personal unpleasantness recently. I was living in Kyiv just before the war started and have been moving around in uncertainty since. My apartment in Kyiv is in a spot that easily could be...

Writing Romance With a Deeper Meaning

I’ve been really struggling with the book I’m writing. It’s #6 in my Ladies’ Wagering Whist Society series and it’s a lot more difficult than almost all of the others that came before because I accidentally stumbled into a huge, current issue: #metoo. How does one...

How to Write a Romance

A friend of mine who writes horror was thinking of writing a romance novel as a change, so I thought maybe I’d give her a little advice. Let’s start with the definition of a romance – it’s a story where two beings (people/creatures/aliens, whatever) fall in love and...