What’s in a Name? More than you would think.

We’ve been having an interesting conversation on the Regency Fiction Writer’s Forum. It began when one member pointed us to a fascinating post on Tumblr by “Ye Olde News,” a self-described “bored researcher.” He (she?) pointed out...

Characteristics of a Hero

So, as you can imagine from last week’s blog post, I’ve been thinking quite a bit this week on exactly what makes a hero. We all know a hero when we see one, but what exactly are the characteristics that make someone a hero? Is there a reason why an accountant...

The Importance of Names

I’m currently plotting my next trilogy in my Ladies’ Wagering Whist Society series. The first thing I do is work on my characters, because it is from characters that the plot grows. As I’m doing this, I’m getting input and help from my daughter, who has some very...