Asking the Right Questions

Sometimes when you write you just get stuck. No matter how well you plot, no matter how well you think things out beforehand, sometimes things just come to a sputtering halt in your writing and you aren’t sure how to go on. When that happens, I always find that asking...

Drafts of a novel

You’ve probably all heard of Nora Roberts’ first POS draft that she writes. She’s a “pantser” – she gets an idea for a book, allows it to gestate in her brain for a little while, thinking of who the characters might be and what they want and then she sits down at her...

The Importance of Names

I’m currently plotting my next trilogy in my Ladies’ Wagering Whist Society series. The first thing I do is work on my characters, because it is from characters that the plot grows. As I’m doing this, I’m getting input and help from my daughter, who has some very...