My Advertising Journey Follow-up

Last week I told you all that I would be trying out some advertising for the release of my newest book, the first in a series. I really wanted to make as big a splash with this book as I could since it’s a new beginning for me – this is the first completely new series...

A Journey into Advertising

As I prepare for the release of the first book of my new series, I’m naturally thinking about ads. I’ve been marketing the book to my newsletter readers—sending them chapters for the past three weeks and the link to buy the book. I’ve gotten a lot of wonderful...

5, 4, 3, 2, 1… Book Launch!

The countdown is happening fast, much faster than feels comfortable. There is so much to do for a book launch and so many different websites and people telling me what to do and what not to do. I could spend thousands of dollars if I want, or I could spend none at all...

Judging a book by its cover

We’re told as children never to judge a book by its cover. We’re told that to do so would be to perhaps miss out on something really important or really wonderful. Just because something is ugly on the outside, doesn’t mean that it isn’t beautiful on the inside. And...

Marketing, We’re all Struggling

No one ever said that being a self-publisher was easy. The best thing about being one, however (aside from having full control over your books and how they’re published), is the camaraderie. Ninety-five percent (or more) of all self-published authors are probably...