Reviving an old book

If you’ve been publishing for a while, it’s possible that you’ve got some old, backlist books that could use an update. But how do you go about doing it and what should you consider when you face this task? I’ve recently been re-reading one of the first books I...

How many hats do you wear?

We all wear many hats: parent, spouse, co-worker, employee, neighbor, etc. But as a self-publisher, we wear quite a few simply in pursuit of that one goal. We are a writer creating engaging fiction; we are a publisher putting together our finished work and ensuring...

Marketing Feelings

“Art is a container for your feelings.” Jane Friedman, according to David Gaughran. We all know that the best books make you feel. It doesn’t matter whether those feelings are happiness, sadness, excitement, anguish, or disappointment (unless it’s disappointment that...

The Plotting Synopsis

One thing that writers have always said that they dislike is writing a synopsis. It’s true that summarizing a 75,000 word book into a page can be extremely difficult. However, writing a synopsis doesn’t always have to be a chore. One way I plot my books is by writing...