Staying True to Your Characters

The very first thing I do when I start plotting a book is to create my characters. It is them, who they are, and what their goals are that will shape the story I’m going to tell. I’m pretty sure I’ve talked about this before on this blog. The importance of knowing...

Conflict in a time of conflict

  One of the most important aspects of a novel is the conflict within it. Without conflict, you might have a lovely little tale, but it will be boring, and little will be the keyword because it’s hard to sustain a story without conflict. There are two types of...

Defense Against Change-the Conflict Arc

  Today’s blog post is brought to you by COVID-19, the virus that everyone’s getting! Want to miss out on the fun? Maintain social distancing and wash your hands frequently! Sorry… a little levity is always important in times like these. It’s hard to stop reading...

Are you an introvert–that’s okay!

Are you an introvert? My guess would be that your answer would be yes. I think that the majority of writers are. It makes sense since writing is an independent job that very few people do with someone else. I’ve been looking into introversion recently after hearing a...