Don’t let this get in your reader’s way

When my great-grandfather emigrated from Ukraine to the United States in the mid-19th century, he did so on a set of papers with someone else’s name on them—a name my family still has today. Those same papers went right back to his little village in Ukraine and the...

Going into the Backstory

Sometimes when you’re writing a novel, things just begin to get… stuck. You aren’t quite sure where your characters are going. Maybe you don’t know how they’ll grow, or what is holding them back from doing so. It’s at times like this that it’s best to go back to the...

Inside Your Character’s Head

I think it’s become generally agreed that the best books are those where the characters are three-dimensional people who are engaging, likable, and someone the reader really wants to spend time with. Reading is not just a time to spend with someone fictional, it’s...