Five Tips to Adding Depth with Setting

Five Tips to Adding Depth with Setting

“It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents – except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the...
Google maps is great but…

Google maps is great but…

Google maps is great, but there is no substitute for actually being there. That was my lesson this past week. A few weeks ago, my husband told me he needed to be in London for a conference for a few days and asked if I wanted to join him. Naturally, I jumped at the...
Your description can do so much more

Your description can do so much more

Description in a novel is more than just explaining to your reader where your characters are. Yes, it’s incredibly important to do so. No reader likes to be in a metaphorical black box listening to people speak. This is where they are if you don’t give any sort of...
Looking at the big picture

Looking at the big picture

When we write a story, it’s so easy to get lost in the details. We want to be sure to include all of those luscious little bits like the smell of her hair, the feel of his skin, the warmth of the sun as it streams in through the windows. We describe the settings in...
Using Your Setting Well

Using Your Setting Well

I’m awful at writing description. It’s one aspect of my writing craft that I’ve been actively working on for the past few years because I know how important description and setting is in a story. I read other people’s books and marvel at how they not only describe a...