How many hats do you wear?

We all wear many hats: parent, spouse, co-worker, employee, neighbor, etc. But as a self-publisher, we wear quite a few simply in pursuit of that one goal. We are a writer creating engaging fiction; we are a publisher putting together our finished work and ensuring...

So many pieces, it’s easy to get lost

I recently moved my domains (I’ve got two: and, which points back to the first one) and web hosting to a new company. I wanted them both together and I knew I was probably overpaying. Technically, both of these things are...

Are You Strong Enough For This?

There is one thing of which every professional author can be certain—writing is going to be a lot harder than they imagined. Being a professional author is not for the faint of heart. There are so many challenges that authors face. First of all, there’s the actual...

IngramSpark or KDP Print?

I’ve recently had a client ask me to upload their book to Ingram Spark. Since it’s not a service I use on a regular basis and I knew they’d been doing some upgrading and changing of their interface, I decided to pop over and upload a book of mine so that I’d know what...