Learning from Failure

We all fail. We all try new things and have them just not work out the way you expected. But that doesn’t mean that you throw away what you did and never look at it again. You need to stop, take a good hard look at what you did and why it didn’t work and see what you...

Newsletter Primer

Of all the marketing options I’ve tried – and believe me, I’ve tried them all! – sending out a newsletter has been the one that has consistently worked. And when I mean worked, I mean I get a bump in sales every time I send one out, I have beta readers who I can rely...

Marketing Trials

To say that I’m not good at marketing would be like saying that there are clouds in the sky and rain falling from them. Here in Belgium, that’s true about 80% of the time. So too, do my marketing failures happen about 80% of the time I attempt to advertise my books. I...