Revisiting the Hero’s Journey

In preparation for NaNoWriMo, have you thought of outlining your book using the Hero’s Journey? It is, by far, the most popular story structure. Hollywood movies use it all the time. It fits most stories, no matter the genre. I could use Harry Potter, the Wizard of Oz...

Getting Ready for NaNoWriMo

Happy Halloween! That’s crazy, isn’t it? It’s only the first week of October and already everything is suddenly Halloween crazy. Pumpkin spice everything is all around, you can’t escape it. But in the writing world, we are all looking to November and NaNoWriMo...

It’s Nearly Nano: Writing Fast

It used to be that if a writer went for advice on how to get their writing done quickly, the answer was simply BIC (butt in chair). Today, things are a little more complicated. So here are five easy things you can do to speed up your writing: BIC-TOI&N: Butt in...