A New Worksheet for before, during, and after you write

If you’ve read this blog for any length of time you’ll probably know that I am the queen of worksheets. I love them. I use them. I even sell them! Well, as I was searching through my files this morning, I happened upon a worksheet I’d completely forgotten about and...

Some Thoughts for Pantsers

You’re a pantser. I get that. Life would be boring if you knew the ending of your story before you wrote it. Your characters need some space to grow and develop on the page as they’re doing in your mind. The story is unfolding under your very fingertips, you write as...

Essential Questions

As I’m starting my next book, I’m working through all the beginning stages of creation and planning. I’ve got my character’s goals, motivations, and conflicts down. I’ve got my basic plot down—built from those goals. I’ve decided on how my characters need to change by...