Say What? Part 2

This is a continuation of the article I wrote last week. You can read it here. In this post I’ll talk about: to show conflict, (show vs. tell) to impart information to the reader succinctly, to make the reader a part of the action. Determine the pacing of the...

Say What? Writing Dialogue

Dialogue is an essential tool of the novelist, but too many either don’t know how to write it or may not understand all that well written dialogue can do for their story. This is going to be a two-part blog post because there is just that much to say about the topic....

Dialogue vs. Action Tags

“Come with me,” she said softly before spinning away, her long hair fanning out as she did so. “Come with me.” She crooked her finger before spinning on her heel, her long hair fanning out as she did so, and sauntered away. Which engages you more? Which one paints a...

As you know…a look into dialogue

Merry gazed into her computer screen at the twelve avid readers of her blog and countless others who popped in every now and then to see what she was writing this week. “You know I love you all,” she said with a wistful smile. “I’ve been writing this blog now for ten...